Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Who won

The question is who won and why. The winner of a post-modern game would be the one who truely understands the post-modernism and all its intricacies and ambiguous hilarity. Toast wins of course. Tales wins, for their name was pomo with the wordplay. They never quite had a correct answer, but by their use of dizzying logic and ambiguous concepts to prove their points they forced the judge's hand into giving them their prize. What is a prize? Yet as things grew over-ruled, tales saw fit to grow into the most pomo position, becoming the uberman of Niestche. Using a double take-single return type of theft, making rules that imposed on the abilities of the other team. What is a winner? The tales team even gave their own value to the monetary sums, causing the money to mean different things in their own community. There are no winners. The truest winner in a game that is designed to show an abstract concept while building rules around which the players improvise is the one who is not bound by the rules, who creates their own, who defies the trees. In the end... The winner is... The last man standing is...

There is only I and who I choose.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Ros and Guil are XoX

The ambiguity is the key. The only thing solid is that which makes it mysterious and unknowable. A coin flip could be the ending of a time, a change in scene, a turn from fate to luck, or a gay joke. Nothing is everything and at that same time everything is always nothing. We are actors playing our roles, we are roles in our plots, and we are actors without scripts; our roles decide. Perhaps though, it is us, we are in control and take every facet into the light and make decisions. On a fifth hand, our instincts could be the role itself taking over for a wee bit of time...